Sisters Organize for Survival meeting
Your thoughts and energy are needed in the campaign to win free, quality childcare for working and poor families. The lack of affordable options pushes women out of the workforce and puts a huge strain on families. Help organize a Mothers’ Day Parade to demand state-funded childcare, justice for Marissa Alexander, support for children with moms in prison, and an end to immigration policies that tear families apart.
Saturday, March 16, 2pm
New Freeway Hall,
5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle
Four blocks south of S. Alaska St., on the #7 busline. Childcare provided.
Radical Women video showing
Experience the thrilling days of the early women’s liberation struggle. “Awakening,†part 1 of a new PBS documentary, explores women’s break from the repressive 1950s. It reveals the unprecedented wave of female rebellion that burst out in the 1960s and intersected with the racial justice, antiwar, and lesbian/gay movements. Discussion will follow viewing. Hearty dinner (with vegan options) served at 6:30pm for $8.50 donation. New Freeway Hall, For information or to reserve childcare: 206-722-6057 |