Today, Kayaktivists from the sHellNo! Action Council confronted Shell’s Arctic Destroyer in the Port Angeles.
Do you appreciate beautiful, principled, creative action?
Help Backbone Campaign skill-up more Kayaktivists by supporting the kayak safety trainings with a meaningful contribution today.
Donate online HERE or send checks to PO BOX 278, Vashon, WA 98070
The growing fleet of kayaks took their clarion call to “Save the Arctic” from the land, out to sea, and even the air! Equipped with paddles, PFD’s and a whole lot of heart, they brought their message, “Arctic Drilling = Climate Chaos,” right to Shell. Paddlers probed the 100 yard “safety zone” of the Polar Pioneer, the platform being prepped for Shell’s pillaging of the arctic.
Even an Orca whale joined the protest, albeit in the form of a 10 foot large kite. More unusual sights will follow as the creative, beautiful, and powerful movement grows to preserve the arctic and stop catastrophic climate change.
Join the sHellNo! Action Council!
Take the pledge of resistance!
Become a Kayaktivist!
Sign-up for this weekend’s kayak trainings, and Thursday’s Training for Trainers to become a Action or Safety Lead.
- Note Ignore other times, 5pm is the official start time! – Intro to Kayaktivism: Saturday April 18th – 5pm – Register HERE
- Kayaktivism Training for Trainers: Thursday April 23rd 5pm – REGISTER HERE
