Washington Liberals

Author: Valerie Tarico

  • American IUDs Help African Women Despite Trump Gag Rule and Funding Cuts

    by Valerie Tarico, originally published at Valerietarico.com When Donald Trump was elected, demand for long-acting birth control soared. Planned Parenthood scrambled to schedule appointments. One woman made a sign that said, “My IUD will outlast your presidency!” Others posted the image to social media. Thanks to a determined nonprofit, those defiant IUD purchases in the…

  • Top Eight Things You Can Do About Climate Change Right Now

    Reposted from Valerie Tarico.com by Valerie Tarico While California was approaching tinderbox conditions that erupted into catastrophic fires, an oil industry coalition led by British Petroleum was spending $30 million to persuade Washington State voters that dirty fuel producers shouldn’t have to pay a dump fee on the carbon they dump into our air. As…

  • Why Some Women Still Vote Republican and What Can be Done About It

    by Valerie Tarico Cross-posted from ValerieTarico.com Lists of crazy comments about women by Republican men have been an internet staple for years. If the party agenda were to alienate as many females as possible, they should be doing quite well. Worse yet, from an impact standpoint, the policy priorities of Republican electeds match their expressed…

  • How to Use the Bible against Abortion Protestors

    It’s time to confront conception obsessed Bible-believers on their own terms, with language they understand. Imagine if we turned the Bible and Christianity’s highest values back on the Religious Right. This Saturday, February 11, the most conception-obsessed members of the Religious Right will be gathering at Evangelical and Catholic churches, loading teenagers into busses and…

  • Peeling Back the Polished Pro-Woman Surface of Prolifeâ„¢ Rhetoric

    by Valerie Tarico Prolife leaders trying to convince the world that they are actually pro-woman have failed to convince even their own followers. For years now, the professional class of abortion foes has been working to polish the Prolife brand, claiming that they are not mere fetal fetishists but actually protectors of women, who are…

  • No Guns Allowed at GOP Convention

    “Libtard policies” put good guys—stripped of their guns–at risk. If the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun—or better yet, lots of good guys with guns—then it goes without saying that the contentious GOP convention should be prickling with weapons: rock hard glocks, pen-sized…

  • Jerry Falwell’s Endorsement of Trump Reveals Who He Worships—And It Ain’t Jesus

    If believing oneself to be the Only Begotten Son of God makes one a follower of Jesus, then maybe Trump qualifies. Either way, Jerry Falwell has a truth problem. On Tuesday, January 26, Jerry Falwell Jr., President of Liberty University, endorsed Donald Trump for President, saying that Trump is “a successful executive and entrepreneur, a…

  • The Sex-Negative Message in the Virgin Birth—It’s Worth a Family Conversation

    The birth story of baby Jesus celebrates the promise of new life, but for girls it also sends a harmful message. How can we acknowledge this without spoiling the rest? Most Americans, even many who are not very religious, look forward to Christmas as a time to celebrate warmth, friendship, generosity and good cheer. Familiar festivities…

  • Republican Talking Heads Claim Talk has no Power to Influence Beliefs and Behavior

    Who incited Christian terrorism?  Not me.  Couldn’t be. In what could be the greatest hypocrisy in a season of head-spinners, Christianist Republicans—from presidential candidates to congressmen to Fox News bimbos to sleazy video-splicers and wild-eyed sidewalk ranters-with-rosaries—are scrambling to deny that what they say actually matters. Specifically they claim that they had nothing to do with a…

  • Will At-Home Therapeutic Miscarriage Make Abortion Clinics Obsolete?

    by Valerie Tarico At the turn of the millennium, the FDA approved a pill that could replace most abortions with early at-home therapeutic miscarriage.  When will that potential be realized?  Fifteen years ago, in September of the year 2000, the FDA approved a French pill known at the time as RU-486 that offered women a…