Washington Liberals

Author: SAFE

  • Senate Bill (SB-5062) aimed at Criminalizing Squatting in Foreclosed Homes

    ACTION REQUIRED BY THE PEOPLE Senate Bill (SB-5062) aimed at Criminalizing Squatting in Foreclosed Homes The digest of this bill reads: “SB 5062 zz- DIGEST Clarifies the law to provide additional tools to courts, law enforcement, and communities to deal with the threat that squatters pose on foreclosed property. Provides that a person is guilty…

  • SAFE newsletter

    Upcoming Actions: Friday January 11th – Success! Auction Disruption for Maleah Jacobs has been canceled because SAFE got her in touch with Homesight and they contacted the bank and had her home pulled from auction. Wednesday January 16th – Mass Mailing, we’re looking for volunteers to help stuff envelopes. Show up at the SAFE House…

  • The Origins of SAFE: January to December 2012, and Actions

    In the waning months of 2011 after the police systematically cleared out Occupy Wall Street encampments across the US and Canada, it was obvious to many activists that the foreclosure crisis and the economic system that engendered it should be the prime target of our attention. Several Occupy Seattle members met in the early months…

  • HSBC, a typical big bank: naughty, not nice

    HSBC, a London-based bank, is huge. How huge? According to Forbes, it’s the 3rd largest bank (the NY Times rates it 5th), and the 6th largest public company in the world. Per Wikipedia, it was formed in 1991 when the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation decided to buy Midland Bank. This week, HSBC agreed to…

  • SAFE Direct Action Newsletter

    The New York Times reported last week that people over 50, especially widows, are falling into foreclosure faster than any other age group. The reason, in part, is the fine print on mortgages. If the only name on a mortgage is the husband’s, and if a woman survives her husband’s death, she cannot take over…

  • C.P.D.O.: a new way for banks to gamble with your money

    Just when you think you’ve seen the height of Wall Street’s folly and corruption, a new level of reckless plunder emerges from the ooze. In 2006 ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, invented a new way for huge money barons to invest (gamble) their (our) millions. It’s called a C.P.D.O, or constant proportion debt obligation. A…

  • Actions, and thoughts on derivatives

    Upcoming Actions: 6:00 PM, Tues., Nov. 6:  ELECTION PARTY at Bethany!!! Lot’s of food and drink. If you’d like to bring along a potluck, please let us know. 5:00 PM, Fri., Nov. 9:  Demand Delivery. SAFE will march into a bank and present a letter demanding the bank reduce the mortgage principal and interest to fair…

  • SAFE newsletter

    Upcoming Actions: 6:30 PM, Thurs., Nov. 1:  Envelope stuffing and mailing to all Seattle families whose homes are up for auction between now and the end of Nov. 6:00 PM, Tues., Nov. 6:  ELECTION PARTY at Bethany!!! Lot’s of food and drink. If you’d like to bring along a potluck, please let us know. Last…

  • SAFE Newsletter, 2012/10/18

    Upcoming Actions: At Tuesday’s meeting SAFE members outlined a plan of action that runs through the end of this year. We are putting a special emphasis on building our base, i.e., canvassing homeowners facing foreclosure. We’re also working with a group that’ll call all the families in selected zip codes asking them if they are…

  • SAFE Network: actions for housing justice

    Upcoming Action:  What: Foreclosure Auction Disruption. When: 9:00 AM – noon, Friday, Sept. 28. Where: Meet at SAFE’s office at Bethany (corner Beacon Ave. S and Graham St.). How: Noise-makers, signs. Why: To demand a moratorium on all bank evictions. Target: Routh Crabtree Olsen, aka, Northwest Trustee Services in Bellevue.  (SAFE will provide transportation.) The banks —…