Washington Liberals

Author: oly mike

  • We are bringing Dr. Parenti to Olympia in October

    I am pretty excited about having Michael Parenti do the keynote speaking event for the Fourth People’s Movement Assembly. Will post more about that soon, but for now, just want to share this Parenti video for folks who are not familiar with Dr. Parenti’s work. Enjoy!

  • What is our Strategy to Create Change?

    Then we can step back and talk about the tactics to make change happen. I have been somewhat fixated on the controversy about the black bloc, the whole diversity of tactics debate since the Chris Hedges cancer of black bloc challenge. My friend Austin Kelley sent along an interesting link this morning that makes the…

  • Tolerance for a Diversity of Tactics

    I am posting to supplement discussion about tolerance for diversity of tactics secondary to discussion taking place on the listserv. Nihilo0 has a pretty good critique of Mr. Hedges’ criticism of the black bloc tactic. Keep in mind that if everything you know about the black bloc exists from your reading in mainstream media that…

  • Looking Back on The Limits To Growth

    and looking forward to the predicted drop in pollution! Here is the frame: In 1972 a bunch of computer nerds were commissioned by the Club of Rome to complete computer modeling of finite resources, rates of consumption and population growth. The output was a book called The Limits to Growth. It caused a bit of…

  • Evolve and Join the Pony-Based Economy with Vermin Supreme?

    We do have options in the next election.

  • Scouring the News for Signs of Intelligent Life

    Lots of coverage of the republican primaries out there. Few signs of intelligent life in that pile of smoking offal. Going to move on. There must be more important stuff going on. Oh, here we go: Chris Hedges has a good piece in Truth Dig about the NDAA – National Defense Authorization Act – and…

  • The Irony of ACA Healthcare Demise and Public Option

    It seems likely to me that the Supreme Court Inc. will break out 5 to 4 to scuttle as much of the President Obama’s health care program as possible, perhaps all of it. This is a pyrrhic victory for the opponents of Obama, but may not be all that bad a thing for those of…

  • Vote Rocky?

  • Looking for a Second Political Party

    I know there is a lot of talk about how hard it is to start a third political party and there is no doubt that the talk is true. Large political swings that realign the political parties in the US are rare, but the political history of the US is about the swings. Whigs and…

  • Juan Cole on Oil and Iraq

    James Stafford with Oilprice.com suggested that their interview with Juan Cole would be of interest. With gas prices surging over $4 per gallon, oil news is probably of interest. I agree, therefore: Oil & Politics – The Real Situation in Iraq A delegation from the International Energy Agency spent two days in Baghdad speaking with…