Carbon Nation – Movie Showing in Seattle
If you are in San Francisco, Portland or Seattle, you can see the movie Carbon Nation in the next week or two. There are solutions to our energy issues that do not require that we bomb anyone or support oppressive regimes to keep oil prices down. This does not have to be a Red or…
Does Environmentalism Create Any Economic Benefits?
My friend Pat Rasmussen sent me a link to the Center for Biological Diversity. Pat does some great work with temperate rainforests and works with so many groups in the Puget Sound area on forestry, sustainability and environmental issues. It’s an honor to know Pat. The link contains the NYT story about how the Clean…
The Wires that Control the Public Mind
Mad men. PR Watch is the website.
News and Weather from Climate Progress
Climate Progress does a fine job of keeping up on the science and making presentations on global warming and climate change in a way that most of us can understand. If you click on the chart above you will jump to the climate progress story on Arctic sea ice. The graph tells the story pretty…
Boycott Koch Industries? Are You Down With That?
I am down with that. If you want to get the attention of the Koch brothers and express your disapproval of their attack on unions, the middle class and working folks, all you have to do is stop giving your dollars to purchase Koch Industries products. Alternet has picked up this story: How You Can…
Some Thoughts on Justice
Arthur Miller has been working for decades now in the Puget Sound area to build public support and pressure to release Leonard Peltier. He has been a steady organizer behind the annual northwest regional march event to rally support for Leonard’s release. The march is tentatively set for May 14th, 2011. Why can’t we get…
Louis CK for President
Does Rumsfeld have lizard dna? I don’t know, but I sure get a kick out of listening to Louis CK ask the question. Louis says that the lizards can only answer honestly to that question or avoid answering the question. Something lizardy about their inability to directly lie about their lizard origins. I guess the…
Is Roger Ailes About to Be Indicted?
That is the story making the rounds. Here are some links to that story: The Big Picture has some background information regarding the story, that one from Barry Ritholtz David Corn has a piece at Politics Daily that has details and a take on the story Business Insider has analysis of the News Corp cautious…
Solar Seattle?
Absolutely! Here is the news, with a tip of the hat to Nan at Envirotalk in Olympia for spreading the news. This is how we do it. We stop waiting for the leaders to figure out the obvious and we jump in to build from the grassroots level. Here’s an organization that may…
Hopes for this site
It appears that we have some energy to post about events and happening. I am excited about the possibilities for this site. Maybe eventually, we can become the Washington State page for DFA. So far, DFA has not responded to repeated requests to turn on a page for us to use. Migrating or cross-linking should…