GOP economic plan: take America back…to the Middle Ages

Credits: Related topics Bush recession Romney economic plan Obama economic plan Reaganomics trickle down economics class warfare According to the obfuscations of mainstream corporate media, neither President Barack Obama nor former governor Willard “Mitt” Romney has laid out a coherent economic plan for the thoughtful consideration of American voters. Huh? President Obama’s blueprint for…

Chick-fil-A unveils Bigot Burger

In the aftermath of the recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, it became abundantly clear that the right-wing culture of fear and anger received its talking-point ammo and lockstep marching orders from the National Rifle Association and draft-dodging, flag-waving Republican chicken-hawks. Now Chick-fil-A has joined the ranks of fearmongers and demonizers, with President Dan Cathy (which…

Chicken-Hawks, NRA, drive GOP agenda of fear, anger

Does the Second Amendment guarantee our right to kill? GOP plays on fear disguised as freedom. Image credit: At least a dozen people shot dead in the Colorado slaughter, and the RepubliCorp Party remains eerily silent on the issue of gun violence in America. Worse yet, most Republican lawmakers continue to kowtow to the…

Good, Better, Best: How to Speak Liberally, Part 2

How else might liberals re-tool their rhetorical game plan and regain control of political playing field? • How about the anemic economy? We keep hearing it referred to as some sort of amorphous “economic downturn.” Far-right talk-show hosts even suggest it’s President Obama’s doing, as though the recession magically materialized the very moment he took…

Good, Better, Best: How to Speak Liberally, Part 1

It’s abundantly clear—loud and clear, in fact—that, when it comes to political debate in this country, conservative corporatists not only own the field of play, they make up the rules to suit their game plan. What used to be known as the “news media” has been bought out and fashioned into primarily a rumor-mongering, ratings-chasing…

Fighting for the Message: Liberal Guerrillas Need to Work on “Left Hook”

We’ve heard it all before, over and over and over again: “Obama’s a Kenyan/Moslem/Socialist who’s bent on taking away our liberty/guns/free market by encouraging illegal immigration/building secret FEMA detention camps/wielding unconstitutional executive powers!” Those Americans who actually take the time to become informed instead of inhaling viral conservative emails, absorbing Fox News propaganda, and plugging…