Voters to Grand Obstruction Party: Where are the jobs?

Why the Grand Obstruction Party hopes obstructionism will lead to feudalism. (Thom Hartmann) August 6, 2013 Folks here in Washington State, across America, likely throughout the civilized world, and quite possibly in neighboring galaxies have a new name for Republicans: the G.O.P. Nope, not the Grand Old Party of upstanding statesmen from Lincoln to Eisenhower,…

Whatcom County: the light at the end of the coal mine shaft?

Barry Buchanan on the election trail, seeking a seat on Whatcom County Council Credits: KGMI-AM  790 With the future of fossil fuels as America’s primary energy source hanging in the balance, upcoming off-year elections in the far corner of the Pacific Northwest may tip the scales one way or the other. Whatcom County, Washington, will…

Anger over proposed coal trains unites coastal communities

“I’m not any kind of professional organizer,” says anti-coal train activist Lynne Oulman, “but I just got so angry about what was about to happen here.” Related topics Government Topics In Lynne’s case, “here” means Bellingham, Wash. But cities and towns all along the Pacific Northwest coast have united to oppose proposed deep-water ports, shipping…

Fighting for single-payer healthcare: Dr. Milstein vs. the naked emperor

When it comes to the current health care system here in America, Dr. Jerrold Milstein relishes repeating his mantra, “The emperor has no clothes!” A strong supporter of the Affordable Health Care Act, or “ObamaCare” as right-wing conservatives derisively call it, Dr. Milstein is convinced that “once people realize they’ll be getting better care…resistance will…

Christopher Kennedy Lawford: the pain of addiction, the hope of recovery

Credits: As a thirteen-year-old with great expectations, he aspired to follow the life trajectory of his uncle: attend and excel at a prestigious university; engage in a distinguished military career; publish an award-winning book at a relatively young age; pursue a successful path in politics; and, naturally, become President of the United States. If…

Talkless in Seattle: listeners bid good night to Emerald City’s liberal voice

Greetings, Seattle radiophiles! Here we are in a vast metropolitan area teeming with liberal activists and awash in humanitarian causes, while known as merely a so-so “sports town,” except when the Hawks, Mariners or Sonics (oops, looks like we lost that one!) are at the top of the standings. But wait, what’s this? CBS has…

New Year’s resolution for Washingtonians: help Texas secede

  Dear Texas, Howdy! We here in Washington State have heard tell that you’re itchin’ to leave the Union now that the renegade Marxist/Muslim/Kenyan Black man who wants to take away your guns, close down your churches, and force you to marry your dope-smoking gay neighbor has been re-elected. And since we pinko liberals are…

“V for Victory”…over voter suppression

While courts may be striking or watering down some voter suppression attempts by Republican governors and legislatures in key swing states, that does not mean Democratic organizations in those states can let down their guard. It’s not as though the right-wing corporate donors who bought those governors and legislatures are simply going to give up…