Washington Liberals

Author: Linda Boyd

  • Action: Contact your state rep's to support H.B. 2434 — Washington Investment Trust

    Last week Bob Hasegawa introduced House Bill 2434 to create Washington Investment Trust!  44 Washington State House members co-sponsored H.B. 2434.  Action: Please thank the co-sponsors and urge your state representatives to support WIT.  Find your representatives here:  http://apps.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder/default.aspx The bill has been referred to the House Business & Financial Services Legislative Committee.  A hearing is expected, date…

  • Public Banking Forum: Kirkland, Sat. Jan 7, 1:00 PM

    Saturday, January 7th 1:00 – 3:00 pm Unitarian Universalist Church in Downtown Kirkland 308 4th Ave South in Kirkland Directions: http://www.northlakeuu.org/about/directions/ Free and open to the public Sponsored by: The Washington Public Bank Coalition, Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church, Social Justice Committee, Eastside Fellowship of Reconciliation, Washington State Progressive Caucus.

  • Link: State-owned banks do not violate state constitutional provisions

    From Ellen Brown’s Web Of Debt website: Do State-owned Banks Violate State Constitutional Provisions? No.

  • Why support Bradley Manning?

    (From: Gini Paulsen <gini_paulsen@yahoo.com>) The Bradley Manning Legal Team is gearing up for the start of Court Proceedings beginning probably at the end of this October. What did  Bradley Manning reveal by leaking information? 1.   There is an official policy to ignore torture in Iraq. 2.   US officials were told to cover up evidence of child abuse…

  • Washington Investment Trust: an update

    From Bob Hasegawa: Washington Investment Trust: an update Two years ago I introduced a bill that would establish a publicly owned bank for the State of Washington – known as the Washington Investment Trust (WIT).  The WIT would be a bank that serves as the repository for state deposits and is publicly owned, governed, and…

  • Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson running for President

    Rocky Anderson returns — this time shooting for president Disgusted with what he calls the corrupting influence of corporate money and militarism in politics, former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson is launching a new national political party and will likely be its presidential nominee. “The end game is changing public policy in the interest…

  • Contact Senators Murray and Cantwell about the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012

    Friends, I called both Murray and Cantwell’s office this morning.  The good news is that they both voted in favor of the Udall Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. Thank them. The bad news is that Udall’s Amendment did not pass, so the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 is set up…

  • Lessons of a former Seattle Police Chief: Militarization Is a Mistake

    Norm Stamper, former Seattle chief of police, says cops are part of the 99%, and that militarization of the police is a mistake. http://www.readersupportednews.org/opinion2/275-42/8462-lessons-of-a-police-chief-militarization-is-a-mistake

  • QE4: Forgive the Students, by Ellen Brown

    Ellen Brown explains why wiping out student debt would stimulate the economy, and how it can be done.  Please pass it along, and consider printing out a few flyers to pass out wherever you occupy:   QE4: FORGIVE THE STUDENTS Among the demands of the Wall Street protesters is student debt forgiveness—a debt “jubilee.” Occupy Philly has…

  • Nov. 12, Seattle Town Hall – A Conversation about the future of the Occupy movement

    Occupy Town Hall: A Conversation Saturday, November 12, 2011, 7:30 – 9:00pm The Occupy movement could be the most important political movement in a generation, or it could be a dud—it all depends on what happens next. Tonight, participants from the movement and community leaders talk about their vision, their plans, and hear audience questions, too. Town…