Obama is itching to make a "grand betrayal": he emphasizes the wrong points

The White House keeps sending out emails like the one I got today: Here’s the situation: If Congress doesn’t act, a typical middle-class family of four will pay about $2,000 more in income taxes starting on January 1. President Obama is asking folks to add their voice to the debate and tell us what that…

Democrats Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon hand control of State Senate to Republicans

The Olympian is reporting Republican-led coalition takes control of state Senate: Senate Republicans joined by maverick Democratic Sens. Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon announced a new majority coalition today to run the Senate in January, calling their plan a bipartisan effort to share power in a cooperative way the public is demanding. Tom will serve…

Rally to defend the New Deal and end the Bush tax cuts, Seattle, Monday at noon

Monday, 10 Dec 2012, 12:00 PM Let’s Support A Progressive Champion – 9 miles away Rep. Jim McDermott’s Office 32 registered participant(s) (100 maximum) 1809 7th St  (map) Seattle, WA 98101 Hosted by Amanda Morgan Description Since 1989, Rep. McDermott has been fighting for the people’s rights over corporations and big money. He has shown…

The attack on progressive radio in the Pacific Northwest

How odd!  The progressive talk radio stations for Seattle (KPTK) and Portland (KPOJ, now Fox Sports AM620) are  switching to sports radio formats. The Tacoma Weekly reports in Seattle’s KPTK expected to switch from progressive talk to sports: “When reached for comment KPTK program director Carey Curelop said, ‘There’s nothing I can confirm or deny.’…

Pee and politics

Raw Story reports: Emmy Award-winning The Mary Tyler Show actor Ed Asner recently asked a Fox News producer if he could “piss on” him after he was confronted about a California Federation of Teachers video that showed cartoon rich people urinating on poor people. Fox News host Sean Hannity and other conservative pundits first began…

Involved Democracy: Stop Coal Trains in their Tracks, Thurs Dec 13

WHAT: Environmental Impact Hearing On the Proposed                         Gateway Pacific Terminal WHEN: Thursday, Dec. 13th, 4-7 pm                (Arrive by 3 pm if possible for press conference) WHERE: Washington State Convention Center (800 Convention Place, Seattle, WA)          …