Golly, what the Pentagon spends on public relations!

I’m reading Michael Hastings’ The Operator: The Wild and Terrifying Story of America’s War in Afghanistan. He reports that during the Iraq War “the Pentagon had launched a searching, multi-billion dollar effort to overhaul and reshape its media strategy… The Pentagon had about twenty-seven thousand people working on public relations, spending $4.7 billion in a…

WA legislators propose standardized tax rates for all marijuana

Two House Democrats introduced legislation today that would standardize tax rates for all sales of marijuana. Sponsored by Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Ross Hunter (D-48) and House Finance Committee Chair Reuven Carlyle (D-36), HB 1789 would create a consistent regulatory scheme for marijuana transactions. “A responsible regulatory system requires that we have consistent, transparent oversight…

Charter Schools foundation associated with ALEC, Jeb Bush, corporations that benefit

E-mails link Bush foundation, corporations and education officials: The e-mails are between the Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE) and a group Bush set up called Chiefs for Change, whose members are current and former state education commissioners who support Bush’s agenda of school reform, which includes school choice, online education, retention of third-graders who…