Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • Congestion Ahead

    Congestion Ahead: Senate Republicans under Rodney Tom refuse to pass transportation budget. Leave early, hold your breath

  • Fact checking the Washington Policy Center's claims about education funding

    The right wing Washington Policy Center has the following to say about the state education budget: “Washington’s school children had little to celebrate as lawmakers added $1.5 billion in new spending to an inefficient, unreformed K-12 public education system” (Key education reforms die leaving Washington’s school children little to celebrate). Is the $1.5 billion figure for…

  • Boeing wants tax breaks, as well as educated workers and transportation infrastructure

    Jerry Cornfield, political reporter for the Everett Daily Herald, reports that Boeing wants the legislature to invest in training workers and educating greater numbers of engineers; improve the state’s transportation network including in and around its Everett factory; continue reforming [i.e., weakening] workers’ compensation; and don’t change a state standard on fish consumption in a…

  • Life Skills 102

    Schools sometimes offer “home economics” courses. And there’s the book Life Skills 101: A Practical Guide to Leaving Home and Living on Your Own, which concentrates mostly on financial matters. I suggest a course, for high school seniors, called Life Skills 102. It would cover topics such as: How to deal with stress. How to…

  • Dynamic Taiwanese Animation about Wendy Davis' filibuster

    As Madeleine Davies says, “Not only have animators depicted Senator Davis as Superwoman, but they’ve also inexplicably added hydraulic low-riders, electrocutions, ghosts and a t-rex to the already exciting proceedings. Is Ann Richards smiling in heaven?”

  • Sen. Bob Hasegawa discusses the Republican budget and economic inequality

  • King County Dems resolve to withhold endorsement from candidates who advocate cuts to Social Security

    At its Tuesday night meeting, the King County Democrats approved a resolution opposing the Chained CPI cuts to Social Security. The resolution concludes with the following strong words: “going forward, we will refuse to endorse or support any federal candidate that either votes for or advocates for cuts to Social Security, and that all candidates…

  • Thoughts on the Supreme Court's DOMA ruling

    In yet another ruling that will bolster the Republicans, the Roberts court strikes down DOMA. I’m in favor of gay rights but am disturbed that our political system gives us marijuana legalization and gay rights but not economic justice, fair elections, or peace.

  • Join the Human Chain Against the Chained CPI in Olympia on July 2!

    Tue, Jul 02, 2013, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Tivoli Fountain – in front of the State Capitol 1201-1285 Capitol Way South Olympia, WA 98501 Join us Tuesday July 2nd as we join hands to form HUMAN CHAINS AGAINST THE CHAINED CPI in events across the country. This National Day of Action will showcase the broad…

  • On the local option for transit funding

    At the Bellevue forum on transit funding, Rep. Judy Clibborn described how a Republican legislator probably won’t support the local option for transit funding that is being considered by the legislature, HB 1954. According to that bill, King County, for example, could tax locally to support Metro Transit, which will otherwise have to cut service…