Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • Not just Republicans are to blame for economic inequality

    Oxfam released a report recently about economic inequality, World’s 85 richest people own nearly half of global wealth: Oxfam report. “In the US, the wealthiest 1 per cent of the population grabbed 95 per cent of post-financial crisis growth between 2009 and 2012, while the bottom 90 per cent became poorer.” “Wealthy elites have co-opted…

  • Too cheap, too expensive

    See also Killer Fact: 30-40 Percent of Health Care Spending in the U.S. Is Tied to Excess Sugar Consumption: And our political system does nothing but subsidize the problem. For the Love of Money “In my last year on Wall Street my bonus was $3.6 million — and I was angry because it wasn’t big…

  • Free, regular sex for Boeing execs

    State lawmakers should consider giving regular, free sex to Boeing execs to convince the company to stay in Washington State. Inspired by this article: Washington state pitches more help for Boeing. As Brendan Williams said on facebook: From 167-page state proposal offering Boeing further concessions on top of $8.7B tax break: On workers’ comp, “we are committed to working with you to identify and implement additional administrative and,…

  • Might the defeat of the GMO labeling initiative 522 be overturned by legal means?

    RESOLUTION URGING EFFECTIVE REMEDIATION OF ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN TACTICS BY GROCERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOC’N Whereas Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, on October 16, 2013, on behalf of the people of the State of Washington, filed a complaint for civil penalties and injunctive relief against the Grocery Manufacturers Association (“GMA”), alleging violations of RCW 42.17A in connection with…

  • Is the push for a $15 minimum wage the right battle to be fighting?

    Much of the political activism in Seattle now is centered on the establishing a $15 minimum wage. Activists associated with Socialist city council member Kshama Savant are making a big push for a $15 minimum wage.  MoveOn Seattle chose to concentrate its activism on the issue at their December meeting. There’s a rally today (Sunday,…

  • Nice work if you can get it

    There’s a clever Gershwin song Nice work if you can get it which contains the lines: Holding hands at midnight, beneath a starry sky. Nice work if you can get it, and you can get it if you try. What’s funny to me about the lyrics is the suggestion that romance is work. Of course,…

  • Rodney Tom lives in Medina, opposes $15 minimum wage

    See Dems plan minimum-wage hike; Senate leader dumps on it. Noisy protesters should target his house in Medina.  I’m thinking of the raw, Seattle area protesters who like to get arrested. I wonder if  such people would be willing to get involved in what might seem to them to be partisan politics.  For example, if…

  • Hey Gov. Inslee and legislators, give us huge tax breaks or we're all leaving!

    Actually, the above image could be misinterpreted as implying that I think taxes are too high. In other words, the above image might be used by right wingers. But my meaning is: Washington State’s taxes are already perhaps the most regressive in the nation. So the Governor and legislators shouldn’t be giving tax breaks to…

  • More tax breaks for rich corporations, please, sir!

  • Damn, wasteful government meddling

    USA Today is reporting “Anti-tobacco efforts have saved 8 million lives in the 50 years since the publication of a landmark Surgeon General report, ‘Smoking and Health,’ a new analysis shows.”