Let's use I-732 (revenue-neutral carbon tax swap) to beat I-1366 (Eyman's 2/3 super-majority blackmail)

There’s a simple way to beat Tim Eyman and his initiative I-1366. At the same time we’ll help the environment, and, optionally, raise revenue to fund schools.  And we can even do it in a revenue-neutral way, thereby making it palatable to Republicans. By way of background, recall that if I-1366 passes — and early…

Hell, yeah! Let's lower the sales tax 1% — and raise taxes on carbon, capital gains and/or income

There’s a simple way to beat Tim Eyman and his initiative I-1366.  At the same time we’ll lower taxes on most people, help the environment, and, optionally, raise revenue to fund schools. We can even do it in a revenue-neutral way, thereby making it palatable to some Republicans. In short,  Let’s use I-732 (revenue-neutral carbon…


The Washington State ballot has several advisory votes about tax increases approved by the legislature. Because of Tim Eyman’s anti-tax initiative, voters are given the opportunity to vote to “Maintain” or “Repeal” any tax increases and any eliminations of tax loopholes (aka “preferences”). (The votes are non-binding.) What’s particularly annoying about these advisory votes is…

Bernie Sanders is a social democrat, not a socialist

There’s some confusion about whether Bernie Sanders supports capitalism. During the first Democratic debate, correspondent Anderson Cooper asked Sanders, “You don’t consider yourself a capitalist, though?”  Sanders replied, “Do I consider myself part of the casino capitalist process by which so few have so much and so many have so little by which Wall Street’s…