The Washington State ballot has several advisory votes about tax increases approved by the legislature. Because of Tim Eyman’s anti-tax initiative, voters are given the opportunity to vote to “Maintain” or “Repeal” any tax increases and any eliminations of tax loopholes (aka “preferences”). (The votes are non-binding.) What’s particularly annoying about these advisory votes is…
Stop voting against your own self-interest!
Bill Gates says government R&D is far superior to private R&D
See We need an energy miracle. Now and then a government program won’t work. The vast majority of private corporate start-ups fail. Most business ventures fail.
Republicans are worried that Trump may win the nomination
(Click on image for larger version)
Bernie Sanders: the Good Shepherd
(Aside from liking the image of Bernie as Jesus, my underlying aim was to question whether Bernie’s strategy of not going negative is naive and will backfire. Can someone suggest a better caption?)
Bernie Sanders is a social democrat, not a socialist
There’s some confusion about whether Bernie Sanders supports capitalism. During the first Democratic debate, correspondent Anderson Cooper asked Sanders, “You don’t consider yourself a capitalist, though?” Sanders replied, “Do I consider myself part of the casino capitalist process by which so few have so much and so many have so little by which Wall Street’s…
Why the Dems are losing seats (and why Tim Eyman is half correct)
I went door-knocking in Federal Way yesterday for Carol Gregory’s campaign in the 30th LD.  Currently, the Democrats have a 51 to 47 seat majority in the Washington State House.  If Gregory loses, the ratio will become 50 to 48, meaning that if another seat is lost, the ratio would be 49 to 49 and…
Which Trump ticket is your favorite?
Real Christians
Tim Eyman is Half Correct
Tim Eyman is half correct: let’s lower the sales tax by 1%. The sales tax is regressive and is too too high. But in addition, let’s establish a progressive income tax, capital gains tax, and/or Wall Street transaction tax, to restore fairness to our regressive tax system. After all, the Republicans raised taxes on the…