Graph showing the extent to which young people don't vote
The graph below shows the number of people in Washington State who voted, graphed by year of birth. As you can see, most of the voters are about age 60. There are not many voters of age 18 through 38. Overall, 3,396,040 Washingtonians voted from 2012 through 2014. Of these voters, 1,932,662 of them were…
Chairman Meow interrupts this program to bring you a special announcement
The terrorists in our midst
They live amongst us, pretending to be normal people. But each year they kill over 35,000 Americans. They poison our air and damage our health, causing asthma, lung disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. They finance ISIS and Al Qaeda. They lead us to fight wars. They cause catastrophic climate change. They destroy the livability of…
Donald Trump reflects on why Republicans support him
Promotional ad for King County Dems
The Republican scam, and the Democrats' unwillingness to oppose it
Last night I was listening to AM talk radio, and a Republican candidate was promoting the following conservative narrative: “Yes, there is terrible wealth inequality, and it’s due to government waste, corruption and regulations. We need to slash taxes and get rid of regulations so that the middle class can have jobs and thrive. Government…
Feel the Bern!
Hawkish Hillary Corporatist Clinton
Bernie Sanders casting out the money changers from D.C.
Chairman Meow's holiday message to America