Seven World Views in brief

The Theist (Western) There is a compassionate God who cares about you. Happiness comes from love, service, and surrender to God. (But, according to many Christians, God is vengeful and jealous and may torture you if you disobey Him.) The Theist (Eastern) Your Higher Self (atman) is identical with God (Brahma). Purify yourself, meditate and…

These Dems voted to undermine public schools, contravene the Constitution, and aid Republicans

(Revised 2016/05/30) Why did 41st LD Reps Tana Senn and Judy Clibborn, along with about a dozen other state Democratic lawmakers, vote in favor of Republican Steve Litzow’s SB 6194 (charter school bill)? The vote goes against the state Constitution and the Supreme Court ruling last year, which state that charter schools are unconstitutional.  It…

Hey, all you Bernie supporters who attended the caucuses, take over the Party!

The surprise overwhelming win by Bernie Sanders in the Washington State Democratic caucus was due, I surmise, to the participation of young people who had never before gotten involved.    I know in my precinct there were a surprising number of young people I had never seen before.   I am eager to see hard data…