Proposed initiative to end perpetual corporate welfare

Paula Joneli of Des Moines has proposed this brilliant citizen initiative. As Martha Koester says, “If it requires 2/3 to raise taxes, why shouldn’t it take 2/3 to enact tax breaks?” An act relating to all Washington State favorable corporate tax treatment. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: INTENT:  To ensure…

Interactive 3D Visualizations of Voting in the 111th Congress

3D Interactive Visualization of US Senators’ Voting Records Click to interact. 3D Interactive Visualization of US Representatives’ Voting Records Click to interact. Ron Paul is the outlier on the lower left. The data points were generated by a technique called multi-dimensional scaling with relaxation, in which the high dimensional space of votes is projected into…

A 3D Interactive Visualization of Washington State Senators' Voting Records

Click here for visualization. You can use your arrow keys to navigate in 3D space and compare senators’ voting scores along three dimensions:  labor, environmental, and racial equity. It’s amazing how far apart Democrats and Republicans appear in the 3D space. Feedback is welcome. I updated the page with clearer, brief instructions and explanation on…

The twelve-step program that works, but probably not for you

Over the last thirty years, Republicans, conservative Democrats, and their well-to-do allies have perfected a twelve-step program that has worked to transform America. Cut taxes and establish loopholes and subsidies for the rich and the corporations, to redistribute wealth upwards, drown government in red ink, and justify slashing of social programs. a. Lowest tax rates…

Summary of Clean Election Laws: wins, losses, and questions about Wikipedia

I was reading the Wikipedia article on Clean Elections, with the hope of deepening my knowledge and writing a summary article. What I learned, in short, is that many states and jurisdictions have passed various forms of Clean Election laws, but both the Courts and the citizens themselves have rolled back the laws in some…

Resources about Washington Investment Trust (state bank)

Three minute summary, from Michael Moore’s ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ DVD Extra Preview – Bank of North Dakota A detailed (26 min.) history of the Bank of North Dakota (produced by PrairiePublicBcast) Slides from Bob Hasegawa’s PowerPoint presentation Materials courtesy of Inspire Seattle