Transpartisan dialog: is it possible?

I’ve been getting invitations to events organized by “Seattle Transpartisan Alliance” (also here). They wish to find common areas of agreement across the political spectrum, between libertarians and liberals, in particular. For example, they aim to “Reconcile regulation and cooperation with individual liberty, innovation, entrepreneurship and healthy competition.” My first impulse is to reject the…

Shared Sacrifice my Ass! — Photos

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Sunday Washingtonians took to the air, land and sea to challenge Washington’s wealthiest corporations and individuals to share the economic sacrifices with working families. Joggers, picnicking families and boaters visiting Seward Park were greeted with an unusual sight Sunday afternoon. Huge banners, launched with helium balloons, visible from Paul Allen’s Mercer Island estate,…

Shared Sacrifice My Ass Regatta – This Sunday at Seward Park, Seattle 11:30am

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shared Sacrifice My Ass Regatta! This Sunday at Seward Park, Seattle 11:30am. View Map Bring your voice, your dancing shoes, inner tubes watercraft to join the flotilla. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember the Target Ain’t People video after last years Localize This! camp? Well, here is your chance to get in on the fun this year. Backbone…

The Adam Smith hardly anyone knows The Adam Smith that everyone knows: Every individual… intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his original intention. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of society more effectively than…

Two Seattle-area events on Thursday: stop Reichert, protect Medicare & Social Security

Why is it that conservatives have been able to escape accountability for their inhumane priorities? That’s starting to change. Soup Kitchen at Dave Reichert’s office Norm Conrad of MoveOn reports that on Thursday the 18th at 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Working Washington is bringing the reality of job loss to Dave Reichert’s doorstep at…

How President Obama can best help Democrats: by not running in 2012

President Obama should call it quits and allow a stronger Democrat to run in his place in 2012. His repeated capitulations and sell-outs have so demoralized Democratic voters that they’re likely to stay away from the polls, just as they did in 2010.  And Independents dislike a weakling who stands for nothing but compromise.  So…