Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • The Injustice of Justice Thomas

    How Joe Biden aided Clarence Thomas The New Yorker has an article on Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni.  The article describes how the Court has moved to adopt many of his hard right views.  And it summarizes the case corroborating Anita Hill’s testimony against Thomas: Thomas was confirmed in the Senate by a…

  • Representatives Hudgins and Hasegawa talk about Washington State Banking

  • Quickie: Reichert wimps out

    On Friday evening Republican Congressman Dave Reichert was supposed to attend a fundraiser in Bellevue, but he canceled — probably because of the protests that MoveOn had planned for the event.

  • Quickie: Republicans oppose this tax cut

    Because it benefits the middle class: For Some in G.O.P., a Tax Cut Not Worth Embracing.

  • How to stop the Tea Party: a response to Sam Harris

    Here are two ways to stop the Tea Party and other libertarians. First, progressive Democrats should fight to take over the Democratic Party — the way Tea Party activists recently took over much of the GOP, and the way religious conservatives took it over about a decade ago.  In short, as described in This Is…

  • Promising Obama speeches

    These excerpts from President Obama’s speeches explain why people trusted him to bring real change. Was he forced to renege on his promises? Or was he lying when he made these promises?

  • Transpartisan dialog: is it possible?

    I’ve been getting invitations to events organized by “Seattle Transpartisan Alliance” (also here). They wish to find common areas of agreement across the political spectrum, between libertarians and liberals, in particular. For example, they aim to “Reconcile regulation and cooperation with individual liberty, innovation, entrepreneurship and healthy competition.” My first impulse is to reject the…

  • Shared Sacrifice my Ass! — Photos

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Sunday Washingtonians took to the air, land and sea to challenge Washington’s wealthiest corporations and individuals to share the economic sacrifices with working families. Joggers, picnicking families and boaters visiting Seward Park were greeted with an unusual sight Sunday afternoon. Huge banners, launched with helium balloons, visible from Paul Allen’s Mercer Island estate,…

  • Quickie: I want the Democrats to win, so ….

    (Editor’s note. With this posting, we introduce “quickies”: short blurbs or summaries that are quick to read and — hopefully — dense in content. Links to interesting external content also count as quickies. Often readers lack time to read longer articles.  Hop over to http://waliberals.org for a nice quickie!) I really want the Democrats to…

  • Shared Sacrifice My Ass Regatta – This Sunday at Seward Park, Seattle 11:30am

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shared Sacrifice My Ass Regatta! This Sunday at Seward Park, Seattle 11:30am. View Map Bring your voice, your dancing shoes, inner tubes watercraft to join the flotilla. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember the Target Ain’t People video after last years Localize This! camp? Well, here is your chance to get in on the fun this year. Backbone…