Conservative Think Tank WPC is Ambivalent about I-1125
Washington Policy Center is a conservative think-tank that supported I-1053, opposed I-1098, and has in general promoted business interests over workers, the environment, and the middle class. So I was surprised that their Citizens’ Guide to Initiative 1125 is balanced (presents both sides of the issue).  WPC seems to be leaving it up to the…
Hey, Republicons and conservative Dems! You are immoral. How can you sleep at night?
How can you sleep at night knowing what you did to our country? Â Fraudulent wars, torture, reckless deregulation, tax cuts for rich people, institutionalized corruption, election fraud, voter suppression, rejection of science, etc, etc, etc.
Ellen Brown on state bank, Olympia (Tue), Seattle (Wed)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 7:00 PM Kenneth J. Minnaert Center for the Arts 2011 Mottman Rd SW Olympia, WA 98512 Public Bank Forum Featuring Ellen Brown, Author of The Web of Debt Rep. Bob Hasegawa , Chair of the House Infrastructure Financing Task Force Learn how having a state-owned public bank in Washington will help…
"Occupy Obama" Could Turn Up Heat on the Democrats
From Truthout: President Barack Obama is no longer running unchallenged in all the major primary states, thanks to activists in Iowa who are focusing their Occupy Wall Street activism onto the headquarters of the Obama for President campaign office this Saturday, October 22, in Des Moines.The “Occupy Obama” event is being organized in part by…
US sponsored torture in Afghanistan
“Ten years after promising that human rights would be protected in Afghanistan, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has verified “systemic torture” by Afghan security forces trained and funded by the United States.” … Read more.
Seattle Town Hall Saturday 5 pm: Lawrence Lessig, "The Corruption of Congress" and …
Saturday, October 22nd – 5 PM. Lawrence Lessig, “The Corruption of Congress” Seattle Town Hall (downstairs hall; entrance on Seneca). 1119 – 8th Ave, Seattle 98101 (8th & Seneca) (tickets $5 – in advance or at the door) Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig is nationally acclaimed for speaking out in favor of campaign finance reform,…
Just Scrap the Cap
A catchy symbol for the Occupy movement
The Occupy movement should adopt an easily recognizable, catchy symbol — such as a red/white/blue ribbon with “99%”. It can then be displayed everywhere: on trees, hanging from overpasses, etc. Another idea: a tricorne hat (three-cornered hat), with the three corners being peace, fairness (fair taxation, economic justice), and good government (an end to corruption),…
What sort of person thinks like this?
From One Million Strong against Michelle Bachman (http://www.facebook.com/StopBachmann)
Rallies statewide, phone calls to Senator Murray to end Big Oil subsidies
Today, 14 U.S. Senators called on the Congressional Super Committee to end subsidies for Big Oil. This is our chance to end this outrageous program. We need Sen. Patty Murray to make this issue a priority on the Committee. Join Environment Washington at a rally this week to show Sen. Patty Murray strong public support…