A middle ground on the abortion debate: pro-choice but not absolutely
I am pro-choice. But that doesn’t mean that I believe that the right to choose should extend to an absolute right to third-trimester abortions. This issue came up in a discussion on our mailing list. Someone said that we should not try to argue with anti-choice people about when personhood begins. Instead we should say…
Talk – Ellen Brown – Public Banks and Why We Need Them
Progressive voters guide
If you haven’t voted yet, check out Fuse Washington’s Progressive Voters Guide.
Wall Street puts New York City cops on their payroll
“If you’re a Wall Street behemoth, there are endless opportunities to privatize profits and socialize losses beyond collecting trillions of dollars in bailouts from taxpayers. One of the ingenious methods that has remained below the public’s radar was started by the Rudy Giuliani administration in New York City in 1998. It’s called the Paid Detail…
Ron Paul as a lesser-of-evils Republican
Ron Paul is extreme and libertarian, but he gets some things right. According to the article Ron Paul slams Herman Cain’s media coverage, he said “I’m challenging the whole banking system, the military industrial complex, the welfare state, our foreign policy. I want to go back to following strictly the Constitution.†Paul has won several…
Bernie Sanders sums it up
“In negotiation after negotiation, the Democrats continue to give the Republicans almost everything they want. Despite the fact that our deficit problems were caused by the greed on Wall Street which led to the current horrendous recession, huge tax breaks for the rich and two un-paid for wars, the President and the Democrats have gone…
Are progressives too hard on Obama?
In Assessing Obama’s “Peace” Moves author and journalist Robert Parry calls on progressives to view the withdraw from Iraq as a victory of the anti-war movement. The American Left is often hesitant to see anything positive in incremental changes like the pullout from Iraq and the combat shift in Afghanistan — preferring to focus on…
Protect them, then blame them
President Obama wants to blame the Republicans for his inability to pass progressive legislation. Indeed the Republicans are bad news. But Obama bent over backwards to protect Republicans and their corporate allies from accountability for their many crimes. Rather than fight them, he coddled them, surrounded himself with Wall Street executives and Bush holdovers, and…
House parties on Wed Nov 9 to overturn Citizens United
Free Speech for People, Public Citizen, Move to Amend, People for the American Way, and Common Caucus are jointly sponsoring house parties on Wednesday, November 9th, to work on the campaign for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court decision. The parties will feature a nationwide conference call with U.S. Senator Bernie…
Link: Protesters arrested, pepper-sprayed at Chase bank Seattle
Protesters arrested, pepper-sprayed at Chase bank I’m waiting for the day when the police join the protesters and demand action on ending the injustices we face.