The Health Care Movie

Sunday evening about 200 people attended a screening of The Health Care Movie, a professionally crafted documentary about Canada’s single payer health care system. The movie tells the history of the struggle for a single payer system in Canada. Canadian doctors went on strike to protest single payer when it first came out. But nowadays…

Health Care for All – WA: Annual Meeting, Sat Nov 12, Seattle

HCFA-WA Annual Members’ Meeting, “Getting from the Exchange to Single Payer” Sat. Nov 12th at noon, 900 University Street, Seattle Health Care for All – Washington announces its 11th Annual Meeting , featuring Dr. Samuel Metz, from Portland OR, and Dr. Steven Kemble, from Honolulu HI [by Skype] speaking on current efforts to get beyond…

ExxonMobil & Goldman Sachs: a winning ticket for the GOP in 2012

The Republicans are having trouble coming up with an acceptable candidate for president. But now that corporations are persons, there’s an obvious choice for the Republican ticket in 2012: ExxonMobil and Goldman Sachs. Change you can believe in for 2012 Think of the advantages.  There’d be no problem about financing the campaign. There’d be no…

PDA rallies Wed. Nov 16 in Tacoma Everett, about Super Committee

Our senator, Patty Murray, is co-chair of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. Although Murray’s record for progressive goals is better than most other Democratic senators’, scuttlebutt from the other Washington says that the six Democrats on the Super Committee are leaning to the right of the Cat Food Commission in their recommendations for…

A middle ground on the abortion debate: pro-choice but not absolutely

I am pro-choice. But that doesn’t mean that I believe that the right to choose should extend to an absolute right to third-trimester abortions. This issue came up in a discussion on our mailing list. Someone said that we should not try to argue with anti-choice people about when personhood begins. Instead we should say…

Wall Street puts New York City cops on their payroll

“If you’re a Wall Street behemoth, there are endless opportunities to privatize profits and socialize losses beyond collecting trillions of dollars in bailouts from taxpayers. One of the ingenious methods that has remained below the public’s radar was started by the Rudy Giuliani administration in New York City in 1998. It’s called the Paid Detail…