Rep. McDermott to introduce a bill allowing single-payer in states

Think Progress is reporting: Democrat To Offer A ‘Lifeline’ For Single-Payer Health Care. “Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) will soon introduce legislation that would allow states to use federal funds they’re receiving through Medicare, Medicaid, and other health care programs to build a universal single-payer system. Advocates are describing the bill as a ‘lifeline’ for advocates….

Wall Street Journal: The myth of Obama's spending binge

WSJ’s Market Watch reports: Obama spending binge never happened Commentary: Government outlays rising at slowest pace since 1950s  WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Of all the falsehoods told about President Barack Obama, the biggest whopper is the one about his reckless spending spree. As would-be president Mitt Romney tells it: “I will lead us out of this…

Beautiful photo from Occupy Frankfurt: police leading protesters

Occupy Canada: reports: From Occupy Frankfurt. May 19, 2012. The German police took off their helmets and marched with the protest clearing the way for them. Thought you may like to have this image as well… The police coming over to serve and protect the people… Blockupy Frankfurt. Police are escorting, not participating. Reports of…

Secede? Cascadia Project

About the Cascadia Porject: Cascadia is the proposed name for the independent state that would be formed by British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, were these states and province ever to successfully secede from their federal governments in Ottawa and Washington D.C.  It is also a unique coastal-mountain bioregion between San Francisco and the Alaskan panhandle in…

Dwight Pelz criticized for inviting Cory Booker to be keynote speaker at convention banquet

[This article co-written with David Spring] Washington State Democratic chair Dwight Pelz is coming under criticism on Democratic email lists for inviting Newark mayor Cory Booker to be the keynote speaker at the State Convention Gala Banquet to be held on Friday June 1 in Seattle.   Booker is well known as a supporter of…