Peace deal for Ukraine and Russia, suggested by Chat-GPT4

I signed up for OpenAI’s Chat-GPT4 and asked it, “Please formulate a workable peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.” Here’s how it responded:

“As an AI language model, I can provide a general framework for a potential peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. However, it’s important to note that crafting a comprehensive and workable peace agreement requires complex negotiations involving multiple parties. The following is a concise outline that could serve as a starting point:

  1. Ceasefire: Implement an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire along the entire conflict zone in eastern Ukraine.
  2. Territorial Integrity: Affirm the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, respecting its internationally recognized borders, including Crimea.
  3. Status of Donetsk and Luhansk: Establish a process for the reintegration of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions into Ukraine, while ensuring the rights and safety of the local population.
  4. Decentralization and Autonomy: Devolve significant powers and responsibilities to local authorities in Donetsk and Luhansk, granting them a certain level of self-governance, language rights, and cultural autonomy.
  5. Disarmament and Demilitarization: Facilitate the disarmament and demilitarization of all non-state armed groups in the conflict zone, under the supervision of an agreed-upon international body.
  6. Humanitarian Measures: Prioritize humanitarian assistance to the affected populations, including the provision of basic necessities, access to healthcare, and the safe return of displaced persons.
  7. Security Guarantees: Establish an international monitoring mission to ensure compliance with the peace agreement, oversee the withdrawal of foreign forces, and maintain stability in the region.
  8. Economic Reconstruction and Development: Mobilize international support for the reconstruction and development of the conflict-affected areas, promoting economic opportunities, job creation, and infrastructure rehabilitation.
  9. Political Dialogue: Initiate an inclusive and sustained political dialogue between Ukraine and all relevant stakeholders, with the aim of addressing the underlying grievances and achieving a lasting political settlement.
  10. Diplomatic Engagement: Encourage continued diplomatic engagement between Ukraine, Russia, and other key stakeholders, fostering trust-building measures and confidence-building measures to sustain the peace process.

It’s important to recognize that this is a simplified framework, and the actual negotiations would involve more nuanced and detailed discussions on each of these points, as well as other crucial factors.”

Not bad! It recognizes that the people of Donetsk and Luhansk want some independence, since they’re aligned with Russia.  I imagine that Russia will be very hesitant about giving up Crimea, which, too, has a large Russian-speaking population.   A big impediment to peace in Ukraine is people in the U.S. government.

I wonder how close the Chat GPT-4 peace plan is to former ones developed by humans.

Using Midjourney AI image generation, I made these images of robots brokering a peace deal between Zelensky and Putin:

AI helps make peace deal between Zelensky and Putin
AI helps make peace deal between Zelensky and Putin

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