Health Care for All – WA: Annual Meeting, Sat Nov 12, Seattle

HCFA-WA Annual Members’ Meeting,
“Getting from the Exchange to Single Payer”
Sat. Nov 12th at noon, 900 University Street, Seattle

Health Care for All – Washington announces its 11th Annual Meeting , featuring Dr. Samuel Metz, from Portland OR, and Dr. Steven Kemble, from Honolulu HI [by Skype] speaking on current efforts to get beyond the limits of P.P.A.C.A.  The event will be held again at Horizon House Performance Hall at 900 University Street in downtown Seattle.

Don’t forget to bring a friend! The afternoon will start with registration and a lunch buffet offered to visitors and members at 12  noon on Saturday Nov 12th, with introductions and program at 12:30.  The main presentation with Drs. Metz and Kemble begins at 1 pm, with dialog between them, then among those in attendance until 2:30.  A dessert break will be followed by the annual business meeting for members.

Visit Health Care for All – Washington.

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