Washington Liberals

Trainer Roster & Schedule – Localize This! 2012 Starts Sunday

Trainer Roster, Schedule Summary & Participant Profile

Friends Don’t Let Friends Miss Localize This! Register TODAY for all or part

Full Schedule HERE

Sunday 7/29:
Creative Tactics (climbing, art, etc) and Organizing preview, Long Term Strategy webcast.

Monday 7/30:
Cultural Competence, Grand Strategy, Campaign Design, NVDA, Art & Creative Tactics, Projection as Protest

Tuesday 7/31:

Community Organizing, Media Skills, Canvassing*, Eviction Protection*, Evening Projection Action*

Wednesday 8/1:

Action Planning, Scouting, Legal, Campaign Consultations, Art & Creative Tactics, Kayak safety, Drumming for Demonstrations

Thursday 8/2:

Organizing Strategies, Fundraising for Community Supported Organizers, Skill Share, Kayak safety, Advanced Tactics, Action Preparation

Friday 8/3: Testing our skills*
Artful Actions in service of eviction protection & universal principal reduction, party & performance w/Chris Chandler & Paul Benoit

Saturday 8/4: Action Assessment, Anti-Burnout, Building a Community Supported Organizer Network, Closing Inspirations

*All or part in Seattle

REGISTER HERE for all or part.

Localize This! workshop fees cover approximately 50% of the actual cost to produce it. PLEASE Pitch In TODAY

Full Schedule HERE Sunday 7/29:
Creative Tactics (climbing, art, etc) and Organizing preview, Long Term Strategy webcast.Monday 7/30:
Cultural Competence, Grand Strategy, Campaign Design, NVDA, Art & Creative Tactics, Projection as Protest

Tuesday 7/31:

Community Organizing, Media Skills, Canvassing*, Eviction Protection*, Evening Projection Action*

Wednesday 8/1:

Action Planning, Scouting, Legal, Campaign Consultations, Art & Creative Tactics, Kayak safety, Drumming for Demonstrations

Thursday 8/2:

Organizing Strategies, Fundraising for Community Supported Organizers, Skill Share, Kayak safety, Advanced Tactics, Action Preparation

Friday 8/3: Testing our skills*
Artful Actions in service of eviction protection & universal principal reduction, party & performance w/Chris Chandler & Paul BenoitSaturday 8/4: Action Assessment, Anti-Burnout, Building a Community Supported Organizer Network, Closing Inspirations

*All or part in Seattle
REGISTER HERE for all or part.

Localize This! workshop fees cover approximately 50% of the actual cost to produce it. PLEASE Pitch In TODAY


Participant profile:Kelly Hayes

Kelly Hayes
is a Native American activist, Occupy organizer, street medic, and rescue scuba diver. Kelly has a background in animal and human rights, the mental health movement, and anti-deportation and home reclamation projects. She has most recently worked as an organizer with numerous Occupy groups. During the NATO summit Kelly and others succeeded in an effort to shut down Boeing. She is also involved in a memorial project to be placed in a public space, without a permit, that will honor fallen protesters abroad.
Kelly is coming to Localize This training camp because she knows that “none of us can afford to stop learning.” The powers mounted against us are too great and so is our collective potential.

“Local communities have to be inspired to organize. Otherwise, community members will remain blissfully indifferent, or simply bemoan the corrupt nature of our system. This is why projects like home reclamation are so important. Such efforts encapsulate the overall problems we face as a society, but also drive the message home, to community members, on a personal level. I also believe that fresh approaches, and increasingly creative tactics, will bolster the confidence of those I organize with, and help keep them engaged. Incorporating new ideas into campaigns will be crucial to Occupy’s survival. We all need a wider skill set to succeed.”

Localize This! 2012 trainers:
Complete Trainer Bios
An impressive group of people are coming together and we’ll ALL be learning from each other.

Kim Marks, Portland Rising Tide
(Non-Violent Direct Action Trainer, Campaign Design & Strategy)

KimMarks1Scott Silber, National
Kyle Tanner, Itinerant Agitational Organizer
(Organizing Spiral, Honest Conversations, Fundraising: Hard & Soft Money)

kyle tanner
Ahern “Dreadsen”, Multi Kulti
(Expanding Allies, Security Culture, Cultural Competency, Media & NVDA)
Ahern Dreadsen
Gedden & Susie Rosset
(Climb Team & Tripod Leads)
Gedden Bio Pic
Heather Gordon & Sue Parsons of City Life/Vida Urbana: 39 Years of Putting People Before Profits
(Community Organizing & Eviction Protection Workshops)

CLVUHeather Gordon
(12 Step Counselor for Kicking the Corporate Habit)

John Sellers, Other 98% & Ruckus Society
(Action Planning, Design & Making Media Count)

John Sellers
Tom Kertes, United Workers of Baltimore
(Human Rights-based Organizing, Long Term Strategy & Building Power)
Tom Kertes
Chris Lutter, Puppet Farm Arts
(Image Design/Construction/Performance specialist conducting Artful Activism Workshops)

Chris Lutter
Bill Moyer, Backbone Campaign
(Host, Grand Strategy, Creative Tactics
, Local Credit Union Organizing, and more)
Bill on Fox
and more…. and more…

General inquires: info@backbonecampaign.org


Web: http://backbonecampaign.org/

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