Washington Liberals

Social justice groups to protest at Amazon company meeting, Thurs. May 24

Working Washington and Fuse Washington are planning a

Rally outside Amazon’s shareholder meeting

Thurs, May 24, 8:30-9:30am
Seattle Art Museum
1300 First Avenue, downtown Seattle
meet at the Hammering Man

“Amazon is a member of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a shadowy corporate front group that writes bills for conservative legislators across the country.”

Amazon has avoided paying its fair share of taxes, and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, contributed six figures towards the defeat of the high earners’ income tax initiative, I-1098.

Click here to sign a petition on this issue.

I reported on this issue in mid-April and contacted Working Washington about it. See Amazon.com shareholder proposal for disclosure of political spending; company meeting.

Amazon Rally

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