Washington Liberals

Re: Eyman honored for Washington initiative activism

MyNorthwest.com is reporting that

Eyman honored for Washington initiative activism

SEATTLE (AP) – Initiative activist Tim Eyman won a $20,000 award from the Sam Adams Alliance. The group calls him a modern day Sam Adams for his commitment to cutting the size of government in Washington state.

The Seattle Times reports the “Sammies” awards were handed out Friday in Chicago.

Eyman sponsored I-1053, which reinstated the requirement of a two-thirds vote in the Legislature to raise taxes.

That is disgusting.  He’s largely responsible for further increasing the skew in the distribution of wealth in Washington State, while causing real suffering among poor, elderly, and ill people.  Our education system, which already lags behind that of other states and other nations, is now further weakened.    Banana republic here we come.

Of course I-1053 is unconstitutional, but our legislators refuse to face up to this fact. They let Tim Eyman run the show, and they fail to market the idea of fair taxation.

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