Rick Larsen asked those who could not make his call-in Town Hall to submit questions on his Facebook Page. So I did, and here it is. I’m sure he is drafting his response right now…. I will let everyone know when I hear from him. By the way I have not heard anyone say they thought Larsen gave any direct or satisfactory responses to the Call in Town Hall, only circular talking around the questions.
I missed your Town Hall, so I would appreciate it if you answered these questions. I have others but would rather you respond to them later when we meet in debate this coming election.
People need to hear elected official validate their economic suffering since 2008. They welcome the justified vilification of Wall Street bankers and financiers. And they are relieved to hear lawmakers promise to enact legislation meant to stop Wall Street from gambling with our money, losing and having American taxpayers bail them out. You did all these things in your kickoff speech for the last congressional campaign.
But it was a slap in the face to hear last month that you, Mr. Larsen, and 69 other Democrats joined with Republicans to strip the protections you had spoken of, from the Dodd Frank act. The Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act (H.R. 992) easily made its way through the House giving Wall Street the go ahead to roll the dice and placing the taxpayer back on the hook for future bailouts.
70 of the 85 lines of text in this resolution were written by lawyers from Citigroup, a bank we bailed out.
I have two questions Mr. Larsen:
- Why is a bailed out bank writing legislation guaranteeing they remain too big to fail?
- Why did you vote for it?
Mike Lapointe, District 2 Congressional Candidate