Sen. Cantwell sponsors extension of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit

At a forum on low income housing and homelessness prevention Friday, August 26, Sen. Maria Cantwell discussed the bill that she is co-sponsoring with Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe to extend and strengthen the affordable housing tax credit.  The forum took place at the Salishan housing development in Tacoma and was attended by about 300 people…

Hurricane Irene

Global warming, big hurricanes. Any questions? Governor Rick Perry – please report to the North Carolina Coast to pray this huge storm away. For those of you hanging over on the right coast, move to high ground. Find a dry place and stay safe. Think about the long term impact of global warming and what…

Transpartisan dialog: is it possible?

I’ve been getting invitations to events organized by “Seattle Transpartisan Alliance” (also here). They wish to find common areas of agreement across the political spectrum, between libertarians and liberals, in particular. For example, they aim to “Reconcile regulation and cooperation with individual liberty, innovation, entrepreneurship and healthy competition.” My first impulse is to reject the…

Shared Sacrifice my Ass! — Photos

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Sunday Washingtonians took to the air, land and sea to challenge Washington’s wealthiest corporations and individuals to share the economic sacrifices with working families. Joggers, picnicking families and boaters visiting Seward Park were greeted with an unusual sight Sunday afternoon. Huge banners, launched with helium balloons, visible from Paul Allen’s Mercer Island estate,…