Link: Jon Stewart's funny and powerful defense of the Wall Street protests
Jon Stewart comes to the defense of Occupy Wall Street It’s more than humor. There’s real, intelligent journalism.
Jon Stewart comes to the defense of Occupy Wall Street It’s more than humor. There’s real, intelligent journalism.
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Progressives of all stripes are converging at Westlake Center in Seattle tomorrow at noon for a big protest against corruption and injustice. Joining hundreds of similar protests around the country, activists will be saying loud and clear: We’re fed up with the out-of-control corruption, war-mongering, injustice, and lack of accountability of our political system. The…
Monday at Drinking Liberally in Bellevue, a Democratic friend angrily confronted me and asked me to tone down my criticisms of President Obama. “Do you want a repeat of 2000 when Nader handed the election to Bush? President Obama said he’d escalate the war in Afghanistan when he was running for office. What did you…
Proposed bill would bring foreign earnings back to U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) Thursday introduced a bill she and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) are co-sponsoring to repatriate foreign tax dollars into the U.S. economy. …
Republican leaders announced today their plans to form an “American Nightmare Movement” (ANM) as a public-private partnership to promote more realistic expectations among the populace. With funding from the US Chamber of Commerce and David and Charles Koch, the ANM is a response to the so-called American Dream Movement developed by and former Obama…
AlterNet is reporting that Supercommittee Co-Chair Patty Murray Accepts Award from Defense Industry As She Mulls Cuts To Pentagon Budget. “Murray’s individual take in defense industry donations since 2007 is greater than the combined total of the top four supercommittee Republican recipients.” I phoned Murray’s Seattle office and asked her aide to pass on my…
Why Occupy Wall Street Should Scare Republicans On the Occupy Wall Street protests: The arguments I heard from the often-articulate protesters in the park were economic, not partisan. None of the posters depicted Romney, House Speaker John Boehner or any other Republicans. Instead they said things like “Top 1% Want Everything,†“Listen to the Drumming…
Thanks to Robin Temple for sharing photos via FB
‘Occupy Seattle’ protesters arrested at Westlake Park “It is not appropriate for people to put up tents and exclude others from a park, no matter how worthy the cause,” McGinn told reporters. “They can protest and organize every day, but we just ask them to remove the tents.”