Seattle noon rally on Saturday to defend Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
Area Residents Put Their Feet on the Streets to Stand Up and Speak Out for Future Generations; Demand NO Cuts  to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security   Seattle — On July 28, 2012 from noon-2:00 pm, to mark the 47th birthday of Medicare, area retirees and families will join the Washington Alliance for Retired…
Bloomberg: The U.S. Economic Policy Debate Is a Sham
The U.S. Economic Policy Debate Is a Sham “In reality, there’s remarkable consensus among mainstream economists, including those from the left and right, on most major macroeconomic issues. The debate in Washington about economic policy is phony. It’s manufactured. And it’s entirely political. Let’s start with Obama’s stimulus. The standard Republican talking point is that…
Political Fables for a Political Year
The WA Post has back to back stories in my digest this morning that I found interesting. In the first story, the Government Accountability Office found that the Republican’s budget showdown over the debt limit coast the county 1.3 billion dollars last year. That is money that we could have used somewhere else in my…
Bloomberg On Gun Control: Police Should Strike Until Government Acts On Gun Violence
Bloomberg On Gun Control: Police Should Strike Until Government Acts On Gun Violence (VIDEO) Also: Seventy-five percent of NRA members believe that concealed carry permits should be granted only to those applicants who have not committed any violent misdemeanors. GOP-Backed Study Shows Broad Support For Gun Control
Vote for Steve Gonzalez for Supreme Court Position 8
Gonzalez has the endorsement of the King County Democrats, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, and Fuse Washington. As explained in the Seattle P-I, the race between Gonzalez and his opponent will be decided in the August primary: In Superior Court contests, if a candidate receives a majority in the Primary, then the candidate is automatically elected. The…
Socialism Wins? Canadians Richer, Healthier, & More Socially Mobile Than Americans
Socialism Wins? Canadians Richer, Healthier, & More Socially Mobile Than Americans I’d prefer a less harsh sounding word than “socialism” but maybe that’s just because the Right has been so successful at badmouthing things they want destroy.
The Republican Party is a stinking, shameless cesspool of corruption, lies, extremism, and cruelty
On guns, on global warming, on economic inequality, on taxation, on torture, on Guantanamo, on gay rights, on regulations, on green energy, on health care, and on many other issues, the Republicans ignore facts, common sense, and basic human decency. This is not to say that the Dems are perfect; far from it. But the…
2nd Annual Medicare Anniversary Celebration, Sat. July 28, Seattle
On July 28th, Medicare celebrates its 47th Birthday. Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid are the “crown jewels†of our national social insurance system. Despite widespread public support, politicians in Wasshington DC want to privatize or outright eliminate Medicare, and severely cut Medicaid and Social Security.. WA State Alliance for Retired Americans (WASARA) & Physicians for…
NRA drips blood
I’m sure someone with better graphics design skills can do a better job at this. Suggestions?