Washington Liberals

Ring in the New Year with Northwest rabble-rousers!

Monday, December 31, 8:30pm

A Rebellious New Years Eve Celebration:

Sweep the Globe Clean in 2013!
Make the scene at the red-hot spot for activist movers and shakers!·         Sumptuous Northern Italian Feast (menu below)

·         Dancing

·         A Riotous Year-in-Review

·         Party favors

·         No-host bar with cocktails and champagne
New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S., Seattle
(Four blocks south of S. Alaska St. at the #7 Hudson St. stop. Six blocks from Columbia City light rail station.) Everyone welcome. Wheelchair accessible.

Door donation $5.00 • Buffet donation $15.00
Sliding scale and work exchange available for students, strikers or low-income people.

Advance tickets encouraged and qualify purchaser for a prize drawing at the event

For more info or childcare (please call in advance): 206-722-6057
RWSeattle@mindspring.com • www.RadicalWomen.org • Facebook.com/RWseattle

Hosted by Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party.


Sumptuous Northern Italian Feast

Antipasti Misto
a bounteous platter of fresh, roasted and marinated vegetables
with an array of cheeses and cured meats

Insalata di Carciofi
greens and artichoke hearts dressed with a  balsamic vinaigrette

Choice of:
Pollo Saltimbocca
tender chicken cutlets rolled with prosciutto, spinach and parmesan,
braised in lemon-wine sauce

Arista de Maiale
succulent pork roast infused with garlic and rosemary

Melanzane Ripiene
eggplant stuffed with savory vegan sausage and pesto


Polenta con Funghi
traditional ground maize, accented with aromatic mushrooms

Verdure Stufati
tender zucchini and tomatoes simmered with herbs

Pan Italiano — fresh artisan bread

ladyfingers drizzled with espresso and rum,
layered with mascarpone and chocolate

Pere al Marsala
pears stuffed with dried plums, poached in a citrus-marsala syrup

Torta de Noci — buttery walnut raisin cake

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