Occupy Seattle March Oct 8 Pictures Link
Obama should be challenged in the primary not just because he has failed to stand up to Republicans, but also to take advantage of an opportunity of getting the “message” out. To debunk the obscene lies that should have been debunked decades ago but have been intentionally reinforced and willfully ignored by the corporate media. Let’s…
Beginning of Right Wing Authoritarian Thought Process The basic underlying principle I have is that people are responsible for their own actions and choices. Rich or poor you are the only one responsible for your choices. Nobody owes anyone anything. There are different kinds of people and some are better than others. My family was…
I also could have titled this “The Hypocrisy of Personal Responsibility”.  A few years ago I met a couple of right wingers in a certain setting. To protect the identities of these people I will not use their names or give clues to how we met. I was surprised to find out their views later….