Washington Liberals

Author: oly mike

  • Chomsky on Anarchism

    For folks with an open mind who want to know more about anarchism:   Noam Chomsky on Anarchism, Marxism & Hope for the Future   Noam Chomsky is widely known for his critique of U.S foreign policy, and for his work as a linguist. Less well known is his ongoing support for libertarian socialist objectives.…

  • Michael Parenti on the Pathology of Wealth

    Next Friday night, Oct 19th. Community potluck, meet and greet the author, book sales thanks to Last Word Books and free talk from Dr. Michael Parenti at 7 pm. Lecture Hall 1 at The Evergreen State College in Olympia. For more details, go to the Facebook Event for the People’s Movement Assembly.  

  • Global Warming – are we going to wake up and smell the carbon dioxide?

    Big deal. Slow moving disaster. We can see it coming, like a slow moving avalanche, but we don’t appear to have the capacity to respond to slow moving disaster. McKibben has some thoughts on the situation:

  • Ocean Report

    A couple of items on things oceanic came to my attention this week. NYT had a story on collapse of the cod fishery: The Shocking News About Cod The ideal fish for human consumption would mature quickly and reproduce in staggering numbers. This does not describe the Atlantic cod. Cod mature late — at 4…

  • Open Societies versus Closed Societies

    Let’s assume that a person really wanted to understand a foreign philosophy, a different way of setting up a society. If that was the case, I would recommend listening to Suzanne Guerlac talk about the philosophy of Henri Bergson. This is a dense program, but Suzanne is articulate and the interviewer asks probing intelligent questions,…

  • No Minority, No Majority. There Shall Just Be People.

    Biko! You are not forgotten. Struggle. Resist. Live and Work for Justice.

  • Obama – Most Effective Evil or Progressives' Best Hope?

    Democracy Now. Simply the finest, most intelligent news program on the air in the US.

  • Pinata Economics

    I have been thinking about Romney and the general casino-style financial sector that has been preying on the US and the world over the past decade and the image of a pinata came to mind. Pinata economics. The willingness, the glee of smashing something pretty to get at the goodies inside really seems to fit…

  • No Justice For Rachel Today

    Thanks to Drew Hendricks for sending a link and this sad news. No justice for the Corrie family today at Court. Join us on Wednesday at 6:30 pm at Traditions Cafe 300 Fifth in Olympia for a videoconference call with Craig and Cindy. Rachel’s Foundation is here. Information about the Traditions event on Wednesday night…

  • Austin's Picks: Is Class Struggle Anarchism

    Austin K sent this link along in an email this morning. It’s a couple of years old, but it’s still worth sharing and reading. The links go to interesting websites if you have an open mind about politics, which is to say, that you can imagine political positions that are broader than the republican and…