Washington Liberals

Author: oly mike

  • The Political Significance of This Cannot be Understated

    This changes absolutely nothing! but it has entertainment value, so… This may be what the black bloc needs: Ukes! and Accordions. Thanks to Mary Hath Spokane for passing this one on

  • Paul Cienfuegos on Community Rights Ordinances

    Five minutes and 20 seconds. Grab a cup of coffee and give Paul a listen. Paul and I agree on a lot of things, but we both start from the point that single issue activism is not going to get the work done. Paul is a Evergreen State College (TESC) alum, here is Paul’s website.…

  • We're Not in Kansas Anymore.

    Hey, Toto. 2 big blizzards in a couple of weeks. One of the complications of global warming is that the warmed atmosphere holds more water vapor and guess what? More water vapor means heavier snowfalls. I scanned this piece quickly and did not see any mention of global warming or climate change. Same thing last…

  • Extreme Weather Events! Get used to them.

    Lots of news coverage of Frankenstorm, but not much mention of the role that our carbon economy plays in the production of this storm. Hey, mainstream media, can you say Global Warming? Here is what Joe Romm has to say about Hurricane Sandy: Why Hurricane Sandy Has Morphed into a ‘Frankenstorm’ — And Why We…

  • Drone Wars? Good Idea?

    I guess we can try to get the word out.

  • Grand Jury Resisters Need Your Support

    Friends are in jail. We don’t know how long they will be there. We don’t what criminal activity is being investigated that leads to these folks being jailed for refusing to answer Grand Jury questions. Land of the Free. Home of the Brave. First they came for the anarchists…. Jump in, you can help. We…

  • Climate Congress 2014 – The Contract with Climate

    The election season is in full hysterical mode. The dems are beating on progressives who are fleeing to Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson, the repubs are beating on the dems with all the corporate money and psycho-linguistic technology they can muster and behind the scenes somewhere we have a bunch of faceless (poor things, they…

  • Scott Crow is in Olympia for a few days

    Activist, anarchist, writer, organizer – Scott Crow – is going to be in Olympia for a few speaking engagements over the next few days. He will be at South Puget Sound Community College on Oct 25th at noon, Room 102, Building 26 Then he will be at Last Word Books on Friday, Oct 26th at…

  • Our Precious Freedoms

    Three quotes for the day, courtesy Liberty Quotes. “It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either.” — Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for…

  • Open Minds, Open Hearts – Anarchism, Cooperation and Mutual Aid

    Here is a vimeo video on anarchism Anarkos Pre-Trailer from S DN on Vimeo.