Voting fraud and the Rolling Stone article "The GOP War on Voting"
In a recent Rolling Stone article, The GOP War on Voting, author Ari Berman writes, “In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year.”  While agreeing with many of the concerns expressed in that article, Black Box Voting director Bev Harris points out omissions and calls…
New Report Series on key public safeguards: "Who can vote?" – "Who did vote?"
I’ve been absent from the public eye for nearly four months, involved one of the most comprehensive examinations of voting information since 2005. I analyzed a sequential set of 80 voter history lists, 1,000 electronic poll book reports, a dozen master electronic poll book records, 50 participating voter lists, internal worksheets on purges, transaction logs…
The Invisible Hand — A case study in stripping American citizens of their rights
New questions on election transparency have surfaced in New Hampshire, where the powerful First-In-The-Nation presidential primary will take place in 2012. If New Hampshire is to have its thumb on the scale in presidential politics, transparency needs to be an absolute requirement. In a bizarre chain of events, nontransparency was entered surreptitiously into a New…
Towards a more effective approach to fighting Internet voting
Internet voting is creeping its way into America, opening the door to pseudo-elections and digital dictatorship. Below is a concise look at what’s wrong with it and suggestions for how to argue more effectively against it. Internet voting proposals reemerge every year, no matter how devastating the research against the concept. Formidable research showing that…