Hacking Democracy (the film)
Caucus Integrity 2016
A caucus is an election style where participants come together in a meeting to first discuss, then vote. The process is more transparent than most U.S. elections because you can see who can vote, who did vote, observe the vote count, and (hopefully) observe the chain of custody. With caucuses, chain of custody has been…
Update on DoS attacks against Black Box Voting
Thank you for your patience and support as we migrate the huge old website to the “new” Black Box Voting. We identified the perpetrators of the DoS (Denial of Service) attack that permanently shut down our forums. The attack came from a source that turned out to be readily identifiable and to my surprise, is…
Black Box Voting hacked, Diebold charged with corruption and bribery
Black Box Voting forums, archives, documents shut down through denial of service attacks; also, see below for update on current indictments and law enforcement investigations pertaining to the voting machine industry and a tampered election. OLD SITE HACKED The vast, carefully-organized, and important ten-year work product at BlackBoxVoting.org was attacked by an unprecedented and relentless…
Online election tarnished by fraud
According to The Independent, fake votes made their way into the Paris mayoral race. Reporters found it easy to vote under various names, and even voted more than once using the same credit card and computer. One reporter voted five times, once using the name Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president. The online election, originally touted as “fraud proof”…
Wasrning: Article 2 in proposed "Right to Vote" amendment to U.S. Constitution alters balance of powers
Especially this year, I have become wary of how news media portrays proposed legislation, as compared with what is actually in the legislation. So when I saw U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan’s proposed constitutional amendment portrayed simply as a national right to vote bill, I wondered what else was in it. So here you go: While…
Niagra County, NY: land of opportunity for election tampering
Whoever controls chain of custody for voting computers can control elections. That is, until more transparent election procedures are enacted. Until that time, election integrity in Niagara, falls. (Groan.) But for bad puns, I’m afraid the company that owns the voting machine warehouse in Niagara County has me beat. That firm is aptly named “Clear Opportunity.” NIAGARA’S REPUBLICAN PROBLEM Niagara…
Court rules ballot tracking illegal in Washington
Court declares illegal ballot tracker to be illegal. (Citizens have to sue for this decision.) Track-back barcodes on mail-ballots lets government snoop into your vote. Here is a recent press release about this little-reported, but crucial, court decision: COURT RULES WASHINGTON STATE MAIL-IN BALLOT TRACKER IS ILLEGAL VOTING SYSTEM Green Party of San Juan County…
Ciber the briber and other electoral laundry
Next time you hear that voting machines are reliable and safe “because they have been tested and certified,” think of this important article, which reveals proven corruption, payoffs and bid-rigging connected to Ciber, Inc., a firm that signed off on our voting machines. Ciber’s okay was the foundation for federal acceptance of voting machines all…
Ciber the Briber, and other electoral laundry
A few weeks ago, I decided to examine electoral fraud from the other end. What happens if we start with known public corruption cases and work backwards to the intersection with elections? What I found were kickbacks and bid-rigging schemes in New Orleans and Pennsylvania which both connect back to Ciber, the Independent Testing Authority…