Newsweek admits it doesn't fact check its articles

Newsweek, Niall Ferguson, And The Conservative Echo Chamber “Niall Ferguson’s Newsweek cover story on President Obama exemplifies a deficiency in today’s media. As criticism of Ferguson’s shoddy work mounted — both from outside and inside of Newsweek/The Daily Beast — Newsweek explained to Politico‘s Dylan Byers that Newsweek “rel[ies] on our writers to submit factually…

How can liberals and educated people fight back against religious extremism without seeming intolerant?

Right wing religious folk are interfering in the political process with their superstitious, regressive, dangerous views. Their support for Republicans is destroying the country and possibly our environment, causing disastrous wars, corruption, torture, economic injustice, climate-change denial, attacks on science, attacks on women’s rights, etc, etc. Reasonable people need to fight back. One way to…

Bain Documents: Romney Offshore Investments Used 'Blockers' To Avoid Taxes

Bain Documents: Romney Offshore Investments Used ‘Blockers’ To Avoid Taxes The private equity firm founded by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney made use of arcane techniques in several of its Cayman Islands-based funds to avoid U.S. taxes, according to a trove of Bain Capital’s private audit and finance records made public on the website Gawker…

Report on the 99% SuperPAC, with Fuse and Working Washington

This evening I attended a meeting at Bellevue City Hall of the 99% SuperPAC (People’s Action Committee). The 99% SuperPAC is a program organized by Fuse Washington, in cooperation with Working Washington. Fuse bills itself as the largest progressive organization in Washington State. Last year it led a coalition of 100+ groups pushing for a…