Report on the 99% SuperPAC, with Fuse and Working Washington

This evening I attended a meeting at Bellevue City Hall of the 99% SuperPAC (People’s Action Committee). The 99% SuperPAC is a program organized by Fuse Washington, in cooperation with Working Washington. Fuse bills itself as the largest progressive organization in Washington State. Last year it led a coalition of 100+ groups pushing for a…

Unbridled capitalism

Unemployment is high, income equality is increasing, tax rates are the lowest they’ve been in decades,  and US debt is about $16 trillion dollars. The debt is due to unfunded disastrous wars, bailouts for billionaires, the Reagan and Bush tax cuts for the rich, corruption, the subprime crash, and high cost medical care resulting from…

Working Washington's "SuperPAC"

Working Washington is starting up a SuperPAC (People’s Action Committee) to fight back against the 1%, especially on fair taxation and economic justice. This is just what we need in Washington State.  They sent out an email: You’ve probably heard about SuperPACs. They’re the newest weapon in the political arsenal of the 1%. SuperPACs use…

Confessions of an atheist

It’s common and normal to want all sorts of things, even if we know we probably or definitely won’t  get them. Wouldn’t you love to be smarter, more disciplined, more forgiving, and more serene? Wouldn’t it be great to have millions of dollars in the bank? Wouldn’t you like to be more physically attractive? Wouldn’t…