Thursday rally in Seattle to stop Congress from extending the Bush Tax Cuts

We must stop Republicans in the “lame duck” Congress from extending the Bush Tax Cuts for the richest two percent at the expense Medicare and Medicaid. Please join Health Care for America Now and our partners on Thursday, November 8 at Catholic Seamen’s Club to urge Congress to preserve health care reforms and not bargain…

Washington State Democrats Chair Pelz Calls on Secretary of State Sam Reed to Denounce GOP Ballot Collection Tactics

For Immediate Release November 3, 2012 Contact: Benton Strong 206-552-0156 Washington State Democrats Chair Pelz Calls on Secretary of State Sam Reed to Denounce GOP Ballot Collection Tactics Seattle – Today, the Washington State Democrats called on Secretary of State Sam Reed to denounce the recently announced practice by the King County Republican Party of sending…

Thomas Franks on progressives, Democrats, and Occupy

From Slate’s interview of Thomas Frank (Tom Frank: Obama’s made left “futile and irrelevant”): “The only honest way for progressives to assess the experience of these past four years is by coming unflinchingly to terms with our own futility and irrelevance. Rahm Emanuel, Bill Daley, all these guys [in the Obama Administration]– they see liberals…

The Salins Resolution to overturn Citizens United makes headway

Below is the text of a resolution signed by 60 Washington State legislators, plus 8 candidates. The letter calls on the US Congress to end corporate personhood and to overturn Citizens United. As reported by Dorothy Van Soest (Chair, State Legislative Resolution Planning Committee, SLRPC), “The total of 68 signatures you’ve gathered represents 27 of…

If Obama loses, if Obama wins

Progressives, Democrats, and others on the Left need to plan their post-election strategy. 1. If Obama loses If Obama loses, there will be panic and outrage on the left. Many people will claim that the election was stolen. They may be correct. How should the Left react?  Will there be protests and other action against…

Insider account of how D.C. is corrupted by Wall Street money

The current issue of the New Yorker has an article that well describes the culture of corruption in Washington, D.C.  “Washington Man” by George Packer tells of Jeff Connaughton’s trajectory through our nation’s capital — first as an idealistic aide to Senator Joe Biden, then as a well-paid industry lobbyist, then as an aide to …

This can't be happening

Somebody wake me up from this nightmare. In 2008, an amazing 45% of voters chose John McCain and Sarah Palin, despite the recession and the disasters of the Iraq War and the rampant corruption accompanying Bush’s presidency. Then in 2010, the Republicans made a huge come back, giving the Dems a “shellacking” and taking over…