For and against Bradley Manning released the following powerful video in support of Bradley Manning: Somehow I received by email a message from Forward Progressives, containing an article by Alan Clifton: Like it or Not, Bradley Manning is a Traitor — Not a Hero. Despite the occurrence of the word “progressive” in the site’s name, Forward Progressives strikes me…

Rep. McDermott Chides Tea Party For Acting Like Poor Innocent Victims in IRS Examination

Via Rep. McDermott Chides Tea Party For Acting Like Poor Innocent Victims in IRS Examination McDermott said But as I listen to this discussion, I’d like to remind everyone what we are talking about here. None of your organizations were kept from organizing, or silenced. We are talking about whether or not the American taxpayers…

Fast food workers strike, but where's the coverage?

The Nation is reporting today “Beginning at 10:30 PM Pacific Time Wednesday, workers at dozens of Seattle fast food locations plan to strike, launching the nation’s seventh work stoppage by fast food employees in eight weeks. Organizers expect workers from chains including McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Arby’s, Chipotle, Qdoba, and Jack in the…