How progressive is your state legislator?

Here are two online tools that help you evaluate the performance of your state legislators: Washington Conservation Voters legislative scorecard Washington Labor Council Legislative Voting Records. Each tool shows ratings for House and Senate members, with the Labor Council having a year-by-year analysis. Anyone know of other scorecards? [Yes, Brian Gunn pointed me to Legislative…

Red Shift and the dangers of electronic, absentee, and Internet voting

I subscribe to the email list of BlackBoxVoting, the nonpartisan voting integrity organization whose director, Bev Harris, lives in Renton, WA. In this article I’ll give a very brief taste of the issues. Visit Black Box Voting and read To The American Media: Time To Face The Reality Of Election Rigging for more information. The…

Hiding Behind Tim Eyman

[From top right, clockwise:  House Chair Rep. Frank Chopp,  Sen. Steve Hobbs,  Rep. Judy Clibborn, Gov. Christine Gregoire,  House Ways & Means Chair Ross Hunter (on bottom left), Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, House Majority Floor Leader Larry Springer,  Lt. Governor Brad Owen (on upper-left)] During the run-up to the 2010 election, our Democratic leaders…

The REAL meaning of the Tea Party

(Photoshopped from a real Tea Party protest photo) To be fair, I’m sure many Tea Partiers are sincere in their desire to see an end to government corruption and handouts to special interests. But the Tea Partiers are allying themselves with Republicans, the most culpable practitioners of special interest government that serves the interests of…

Reichert signs theocracy letter

Republican US Congressman Dave Reichert (WA, 8th CD) has signed a letter calling on President Obama to acknowledge the primacy of God in America. The following pdf file contains an image of the letter, which was signed by 42 US members of Congress. In a November, 2010 speech Obama said that e pluribus unum —…

The go-slow approach to fixing Washington State's tax system

A letter to a Democratic activist who called for a go-slow approach to eliminating tax preferences. (For background, see Failed KCDCC Resolution a Good Idea and Fair School Funding Coalition.) Thank you for your well-written and thoughtful analysis.  I admire your commitment to the cause of justness and fairness.  The real “enemy” is conservatives, not…