The twelve-step program that works, but probably not for you

Over the last thirty years, Republicans, conservative Democrats, and their well-to-do allies have perfected a twelve-step program that has worked to transform America. Cut taxes and establish loopholes and subsidies for the rich and the corporations, to redistribute wealth upwards, drown government in red ink, and justify slashing of social programs. a. Lowest tax rates…

Summary of Clean Election Laws: wins, losses, and questions about Wikipedia

I was reading the Wikipedia article on Clean Elections, with the hope of deepening my knowledge and writing a summary article. What I learned, in short, is that many states and jurisdictions have passed various forms of Clean Election laws, but both the Courts and the citizens themselves have rolled back the laws in some…

Resources about Washington Investment Trust (state bank)

Three minute summary, from Michael Moore’s ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ DVD Extra Preview – Bank of North Dakota A detailed (26 min.) history of the Bank of North Dakota (produced by PrairiePublicBcast) Slides from Bob Hasegawa’s PowerPoint presentation Materials courtesy of Inspire Seattle

The Peoples' Budget versus the Obama and Ryan Budgets

See The Congressional Progressive Caucus’ description of the Peoples’ Budget.   Support for the People’s Budget Paul Krugman “genuinely courageous” “achieves this without dismantling the legacy of the New Deal” Dean Baker “if you want a serious effort to balance the budget, here it is.” Jeffrey Sachs “A bolt of hope…humane, responsible, and most of…

"The only people Obama has prosecuted are the whistle-blowers"

In his book “Death of the Liberal Class”, as well in recent articles Why Liberal Sellouts Attack Prophets Like Cornel West and The Obama Deception: Why Cornel West Went Ballistic, Chris Hedges condemns what he calls “the liberal class” for its refusal to confront the truths about the Democratic Party, about Barack Obama, and about…

Report on Amy Goodman's speech at the Seattle Green Festival

Sunday afternoon I heard Amy Goodman and Dennis Kucinich speak at Seattle Green Festival. Both speakers received standing ovations. This article covers Amy Goodman’s speech. Here’s my photo of her during the book signing that followed the speech. Goodman spoke about her book “Breaking the Sound Barrier” — the power of independent journalism. I couldn’t…