Gregoire calls for 1/2 cent increase in sales tax. What about eliminating tax exemptions?
Kudos to Gov Gregoire for having the guts to propose a 1/2 cent sales tax hike to help cover the expected $2 billion state revenue shortfall. The Seattle P-I reports the governor as saying, “I can’t stomach the cuts, I can’t. I can’t cut education more.” But the sales tax is highly regressive. Far better…
Gov. Scott Walker gets checked, Mic Checked!
Occupy Olympia to make the 1% pay their fair share!
“We will occupy our state capitol in Olympia during the special legislative session, and we will tell our lawmakers that we have had enough. … It’s time for the richest 1 percent to pay their fair share to help fix our economy. Big banks and large corporations benefit from outdated tax loopholes while our communities…
Allegations that the US Justice Dept and Homeland Security coordinated attacks on Occupiers
Update: ‘Occupy’ crackdowns coordinated with federal law enforcement officials Keith Olbermann and filmmaker and activist Michael Moore discuss who’s coordinating the attacks on Occupy encampments: Michael Moore on ‘Occupy’ crackdowns
Division on the Left: can the Occupy Movement work with Labor, MoveOn, and Dems without being co-opted?
Will the Occupy movement be able to work with others? Will the Occupy movement be co-opted? The Stranger is reporting in Occupy Seattle Disrupts Pro–Occupy Wall Street Forum, Drives Away Supporters.: No sooner had six panelists finished opening remarks last Saturday evening than a woman scampered onstage and yelled, “Mic check!” It was an orchestrated…
Link: Duel of the Think Tanks: How to Bridge Washington's Budget Gap
Here’s a video of a debate between Remy Trupin, director of the Washington State Budget and Policy Center, a liberal think tank in Seattle, and Jason Mercier of the conservative think tank Washington Policy Center.
Making the Connections – Why Crackdown on OWS Now?
This article is somewhat speculative, but it makes a lot of sense: Making the Connections – Why Crackdown on OWS Now? “If the administration expects the austerity budget to emerge from the super committee to be substantially worse than most of us fear, that would constitute reason enough to attempt to clear the cities of…
What sort of person?
(author unknown)
Automatic cuts would exempt Social Security and Medicare
According to As Deadline Nears, What If the ‘Super Committee’ Fails? The Social Security retirement program is exempt from the automatic spending cuts. The Medicaid health-care program is also protected as are veterans’ benefits, food stamps, and a handful of other programs to help the poor and disabled. While Medicare benefits would be spared from…
People’s Rights Amendment
(From here, where you can sign.) Section 1. We the people who ordain and establish this Constitution intend the rights protected by this Constitution to be the rights of natural persons. Section 2. The words people, person, or citizen as used in this Constitution do not include corporations, limited liability companies or other corporate entities…