Washington Liberals

Links about military and the war industry

Military eyes 16-year-olds as ranks and candidates dwindle

Hundreds of recruits got into the Army without passing a mandatory fitness test

Most Veterans Say America’s Wars Are a Waste. No One’s Listening to Them “There’s a widening gap between Washington’s bipartisan militarism and veterans’ bipartisan war-skepticism.”

America’s Indefensible Defense Budget

Whistleblower exposes $7 billion no-bid Defense Department contract

Poor People’s Moral Budget “As of September 2018, the Pentagon had 170,000 troops stationed in more than 90 countries. Most are stationed in Europe, Japan, and South Korea, notably the sites of major 20th century ground wars where the military went in and never left, much like Afghanistan today. The United States maintains at least 10 times as many foreign bases as the rest of the world combined at a cost of $150 billion per year including troops.”

The Pentagon emits more greenhouse gases than many countries, study says

The Military-Industrial Virus: How bloated defense budgets gut our armed forces

U.S. Blames Russia and China for Space ‘Arms Race,’ but Refuses Their Weapons Ban

Veterans and their families tell the cost of war

Tomgram: Hartung and Smithberger, A Dollar-by-Dollar Tour of the National Security State Boondoggle, Inc.
Making Sense of the $1.25 Trillion National Security State Budget

We Have Spent $32 Million Per Hour on War Since 2001

Pentagon purchases riddled by cost overruns, delays and other problems

The Pentagon’s purchase of $1.69 trillion worth of major weapons systems has been riddled by cost overruns, delays and other problems reflecting poor oversight, the Government Accountability Office said in its annual survey of Defense Department acquisitions.

The 229-page report subtitled “Limited Use of Knowledge-Based Practices Continues to Undercut DOD’s Investments” recommended that the DoD do a better job of checking out the design for a weapons system and what it’s supposed to do before buying it.

“Completion of a preliminary design review prior to starting development” would be advisable, the GAO said in its 17th annual survey of defense acquisitions, released Tuesday. “This lack of knowledge and the effects it can have throughout a program’s acquisition life cycle can increase the risk of undesirable cost and schedule outcomes.”

The report included breakouts on 51 of the 82 major weapons systems examined, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, Zumwalt-class stealthy destroyer, Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) and KC-46 aerial refueling tanker.

“Percentage of U.S. veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan seeking disability: 45.” (Source: Harpers)

Newsweek: U.S. Has Spent Six Trillion Dollars on Wars That Killed Half a Million People Since 9/11, Report Says

Newsweek: Jimmy Carter Took Call About China From Concerned Donald Trump: ‘China Has Not Wasted a Single Penny on War’ Carter says that the U.S. has enjoyed only 16 years free from war in its 242 year history and recently spent $3 trillion on wars, while China has been war-free. No wonder China is overtaking the U.S.

Pentagon Spending Set to Hit Near-Record Levels, But ‘Establishment Says We Can’t Afford’ Progressive Policies

Barbara Lee’s Startling Vote to Boost Military Spending

Resolution about US military spending, for Rep. Adam Smith

The Risks of Permanent War by the RAND Corporation

Foreign Policy: Pentagon Seeks Massive Increase for ‘Slush Fund’ War Account (OCO)

Book review: How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything

New watchdog report decries revolving door between the Pentagon and defense contractors (from http://defensenews.com)

Americas Permanent-War Complex, from the American Conservative.
“Eisenhower’s worst nightmare has come true, as defense mega-contractors climb into the cockpit to ensure we stay overextended.”

Another great article by Dave Lindorff: What happens when a treaty that’s working is cancelled: The Insanity of a Hypersonic Nuclear Cruise Missile Arms Race

Trump Says U.S. Defense Spending Is ‘Crazy.’ It May Signal An Important Shift

US Military Budget, Its Components, Challenges, and Growth: Why Military Spending Is More Than You Think It Is

Tomgram: William Hartung, The Trillion-Dollar National Security Budget

Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War, by James Risen.

Newsweek: U.S. Has Spent Six Trillion Dollars on Wars That Killed Half a Million People Since 9/11, Report Says

Bernie Sanders kicked off his campaign promising to take an ax to US defense spending

The Pentagon’s Bottomless Money Pit

The Pentagon Wins Again “In an effort to prevent non-defense cuts, House Democrats grant the DOD exactly the raise it wanted.”

NYT’s Exposé on the Lies About Burning Aid Trucks in Venezuela Shows How U.S. Government and Media Spread Pro-War Propaganda

A New Hopeful Moment for US Nuclear Policy Rep, Adam Smith calls for a saner nuclear policy.

“Larry Kerschner posted data from Hampton Institute,”Fellow workers and revolutionaries,If you ever doubted the profit motive of war, look no further than military-industrial-complex stock growth over the past 18 years (starting on 9/11/01, throughout the so-called “war on terror,” until close of business today, 4/23/19):

Lockheed Martin (per share): $38.49 to $333.10 (+ 865%)
Raytheon: $24.85 to $187.58 (+ 754%)
Northrup Grumman: $40.95 to $292.61 (+ 714%)
Boeing: $68.35 to $374.02 (+ 547%)
General Dynamics: $41.50 to $182.37 (+ 439%)
Honeywell: $35.75 to $171.81 (+ 481%)

Every bomb dropped, bullet fired, life lost, and village destroyed is money in capitalist pockets. Substantial money. For example, 10,000 shares in Lockheed Martin, which were valued at $384,900 in 2011, are now worth $3.3 million. Easy money for investors, who have to do nothing but sit back, cheer on the death and destruction, and watch their portfolios swell.